Pregnancy and Parenting
Title IX protects against discrimination related to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery from any of these conditions. It prohibits a school from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex. Title IX also ensures the right to take medically necessary leave and to be free of harassment, intimidation, or other discrimination because of pregnancy or parenting related conditions.
The University of South Alabama is dedicated to creating an environment that is welcoming, accessible and inclusive for pregnant and parenting students. Students may request reasonable accommodations for pregnancy and parenting related conditions. Please review the information provided below to find the answers to frequently asked questions and to request assistance with accommodations.
Information for Students
Pregnant and parenting students should submit a request for accommodations by filling out the online form. Someone from the Title IX Office will contact you to discuss your pregnancy or parenting needs. You will need to submit supporting documentation (i.e. letter from your doctor) with your request for accommodations.
In addition, students who have chronic medical condition as a result of a pregnancy should also make contact with the Center for Educational Accessibility & Disability Resources by calling (251) 460-7212, or emailing
Students will be provided reasonable accommodations based upon their pregnancy and parenting related needs. Specific accommodations will vary from student to student. Some examples of accommodations may include:
- Providing a larger desk.
- Allowing breaks during class, as needed.
- Permitting temporary faculty/staff parking.
- Rescheduling tests or exams.
- Excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions.
- Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth.*
- Providing alternatives to make up missed work.
- Permitting a reasonable time for nursing and access to lactation spaces.
- Allowing excused absences for parenting students (both male and female) who need to take their children to medical appointments or to take care of their sick children.
*Pregnant students will be allowed to make up any work missed due to medically necessary absences for pregnancy. Students will be offered acceptable alternative arrangements to make up missed work. The student will not be required to complete make up work until the student's medically-necessary absences for pregnancy are completed.
Students are not required to inform anyone of their pregnancy or parenting status. However, the University aims to create an environment that encourages students to share this information with the Title IX Department, so that the University can provide the proper support and assistance.
There are three lactation stations located on the University’s main campus.
- Student Center, Room 168
- North Humanities Building, Office 4
- UCOM, Room 3704
The University of South Alabama prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex. Pregnant or parenting students who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed because of a qualifying condition may file a complaint with the Title IX Office by clicking on the link provided below to report a Title IX incident.
Information for Faculty & Staff
Request Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations